Recomended Reading List

Yun Pin Hao – Bing Dao Ancient Tree Tea by Purple Cane

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The Spring 2020 Puer season is here!

The most anticipated has got to be Yun Pin Hao, “Bing Dao” Ancient Tree Tea by Purple Cane. 

Quenching your thirst for the ultimate exquisite tea experience, satisfying with a deep rich flavour delivered by ancient tea trees! 

Calling all tea aficionados! Do make a date with TEAX for exclusive tasting.   

All-natural, pollution-free and untouched ecosystem

Bing Dao (literally ice island, is a homophone of a village where local people set up bamboo fence at the entrance to the settlement) tea region of ancient tea trees is located in the Shuangjiang county of Yunnan’s Lincang Prefecture. There are three tea regions within Lincang, namely Mengku at the centre, and Yongde and Bangdong to its west and east respectively. The Mengku tea region is delimited by River Mengku, on the bank of which the Bing Dao Village is situated. The tea originating from Bing Dao promises pronounced aroma, pleasant sweetness with only a hint of astringency, and a long finish that leaves you salivating -- in short, all you would expect from an exceptional brew. All-natural, pollution-free and benefitting from an untouched ecosystem, the tea is free from harmful inorganic matters such as chemical fertilisers and pesticides. Its annual release in spring is always in great demand.  


"Tea of the authentic Yunnan large-leaf varietal”

The ancient tea trees in the Bing Dao village, or the “Mother Trees of Bing Dao”, refers to tea trees in the vicinity of the Laozhai (old village) Square and the area around the village. There are still a few ancient tea trees dating back to the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty; the oldest trees are about 500 years old. Bing Dao’s Laozhai ancient trees are of the famed Mengku large-leaf varietal, refined from the wild ancient tea trees in the Daxueshan (Grand Snowy Mountain) of Mengku. Over several hundred years, the Bing Dao tea trees have dispersed across tea regions in Yunnan by the forces of nature. Nowadays, tea tree cultivar in Fengqing, Bangdong and other places traces its source to the Bing Dao ancient tea tree regions. This shows that Bing Dao is one of the birthplaces of Yunnan large-leaf varietal tea, and the tea it delivers is rightfully "tea of the authentic Yunnan large-leaf varietal”.

A Nationally Acclaimed Tea

The ancient tea trees in Bing Dao were first recognised as a distinguished Chinese variety at the national level in 1984. Under natural growth conditions, a tree can reach a height between 4 and 30 meters and a crown spread between 3 and 12 meters. The leaves are very large, with an oval, oblong or egg shape. The colour of the leaves ranges from green to dark green with a natural lustre. The tender yellow-greenish buds are plump with fine, down-like hair all over. The largest leaves, located at the lower part of a tree, are even larger than our palms, a sure sign of its rich content of substance.

Over the years, the tea has developed a mellow smoothness with layers of lingering flavour. 

Purple Cane has been releasing only a limited amount of Yun Pin Hao - Bing Dao Ancient Tree Tea annually since 2012, which explains its rarity. This tea is made of newly harvested leaves from the old tea trees, which are spread out to air before undergoing fixation, rolling, sun-drying, steam-pressing and dehydration. The natural sweetness, which lasts for a few rounds of brewing, is a testament to an exceptional tea. It also promises intriguing layers of flavour that trail into an aroma in the cup after the tea is taken.  

• The clear golden infusion is highly aromatic and full-bodied. 

• The tea leaves a clear and lingering impression in the mouth and at the throat as it is swallowed. 

• Tealeaves can be brewed a few rounds and still promise the same pleasant sweetness and velvety mouthfeel. The brewed leaves are stout, evenly shaped and supple. 

"Malaysian Storage" - Good tea pairs with good storage to deliver a superb aged tea

Malaysia is a tropical country located close to the equator. It is largely summery throughout the year. In addition, the country is subjected to the inland penetration of maritime climatic and monsoon influences. Rainfall is abundant and humidity high. It is common to have hot, sunny afternoons interspersed with spell of downpour and thunderstorm. With an overall tropical oceanic climate, the annual temperature and relative humidity are stable, while weather can change in minutes or hours, hence the description: "it may be summery all year round, but autumn arrives with just a short spell of rain.” As long as a certain degree of ventilation can be maintained during the duration of storage, such a climatic environment accelerates the breathing of tealeaves, which in turn expedites the ageing process. This is quite different from the conditions offered by Guangdong, Yunnan, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Malaysia's unique climate has brought about the "Malaysian Storage” teas highly regarded by the tea industry. Worthy of tea connoisseurs, this tea has developed a delightful sweetness, mellow smoothness and layers of lingering flavour. Brisk and bright for a pure enjoyment, it certainly brings the tea experience to a whole new level.